We bring over 13 years of experience working in Portugal to these courses and can design a specific programme to suit the needs of your group. Course choices include the Lusitanian Basin, north of Lisbon, to examine the Jurassic and Cretaceous fill of the salt-modified, fault-controlled sub-basins directly analogous to the Canadian fields of Newfoundland/Nova Scotia. Here you will see continuous coastal exposures of fluvial, lacustrine and coastal bay deposits. You visit a range of basin margin play types including shoreface, Gilbert-type deltas, submarine channels and fans. The petroleum system of Portugal can also be addressed to look at source rocks, play concepts and traps. A second option is the Neogene Tagus Basin, south of Lisbon, where excellent sand-rich shoreface and shelfal successions can be visited. Culturally, the course can include time to see historical towns, visit local geological wonders (dinosaur museum and footprint sites) and take a taste tour of the excellent Portuguese food and wine.